We help children retrieve the joy of life

The NOTICE ME Foundation helps children and young people whom no one else has noticed before. We support them in their fight against the odds. We help the sick, support the disabled, and develop talents. For our kids, we organize fundraising, volunteer and charity events, and create development projects.

We help the sick

We save lives and health, even in situations that seem hopeless.
  • we help find funds for non-reimbursed treatments, such as experimental drugs, surgeries, therapies for children with rare diseases, stem cell transplants
  • we seek treatment for children in clinics in Poland and abroad, when they have no chance of being cured at home
  • we work on preventive health care – we organize actions to draw attention to the importance of everyday activities that affect our health
  • we conduct art therapy for our wards, organize festivals, festivals, competitions and workshops

We support the disabled

We help children and young people struggling with disabilities regain their self-confidence and joy in life.

Thinking about the disabled, we are conducting several unique projects:

  • We have completed a huge project to build a sensory garden for blind children
  • We have organized drumming workshops for deaf children
  • We conduct art workshops
  • We prepare art therapy classes
  • We work for integration, broaden horizons, and familiarize with disabilities

We develop talents

We support children who have unique talents in various fields, that way helping them get a better start in the future.

We act comprehensively. We want to create conditions for success and strengthen self-esteem through:

  • developing children’s interests, individual predispositions, skills
  • motivating children to self-improvement, overcoming their limitations
  • preparation of gifted children for participation in science competitions, art competitions, sports competitions
  • organization of events promoting young athletes and talented children and young people