Helping sick and disabled children - Wroclaw Foundation

NOTICE ME Foundation (Fundacja ZOBACZ MNIE) is a charitable organization that saves the lives of the sick and supports the development of disabled children. We see the most needy kids, support and develop their talents. We operate in Wroclaw, but we support kids all over Poland.

Help for children with disabilities

One of the pillars of the activities of our charitable foundation is to help children with disabilities – that is why fundraising is an indispensable part of our activities. We know that each case is different, and we try to approach each of our children individually and select the best possible form of help and support. We act in multiple ways:

  • for blind pupils, we created a sensory garden,
  • for the deaf and hard-of-hearing pupils we organized music workshops and concerts,
  • we renovated the sports field at the special education center,
  • we conduct therapeutic workshops for children with Down syndrome.

Foundations for Children in Wroclaw are thriving charitable organizations. If you want to contribute to our development and thus help our wards, become a donor, contribute to a fundraiser, or support us as a volunteer. If you have any questions, call us or write a message, we will be happy to answer!

What do we do?

We support sick children and young people

NOTICE ME Foundation is the only organization in Poland that directly cooperates with more than a dozen top university clinics around the world.

We help children with Down syndrome

Our goal is to provide comprehensive assistance to kids with trisomy 21 chromosome and their families.

We support refugees from Ukraine

In the heart of Wroclaw, we created the Ukrainian House, which gave shelter to women and children fleeing the war in Ukraine.

We help the disabled

When organizing help for children with disabilities, we act in multiple and multifaceted ways. Get to know us and support our projects.

Donate and help the foundation's kids!

With us, you can change the world of sick and disabled children!

10 zł

I pay

20 zł

I pay

50 zł

I pay

Different amount

I pay
Our children
For parents
Cooperation with companies


We are a team with a unique and long experience in professionally organizing real and effective help for children. We have unquenchable faith in people. We are passionate about promoting charity. We believe that nothing gives as much satisfaction as the conviction that everyday work can save someone’s life, or change it for the better.

Agnieszka Aleksandrowicz-Zdral

Chairman of the Board

Anna Czujko

Vice President of the Board

Aleksandra Kaczmarek

Office manager

Emilia Iwanicka-Pałka

Projects coordinator

Cooperation of the NOTICE ME Foundation with companies

We know how to combine the expectations of companies and the needs of our kids. We create charitable projects customized for specific corporate social responsibility strategies. Find out what activities our foundation can offer you for helping children.

Charity events
Corporate events
Employee volunteering


Our activities have been followed for many years by Friends who have trusted our team. Their faith in our capabilities is extremely valuable to us.

Podróżniczka, dziennikarka i założycielka Fundacji UNAWEZA

Z Agnieszką Aleksandrowicz przez ostatnich 9 lat pracowałam dla dzieci chorych na raka. Dzięki naszej współpracy, o potrzebach małych pacjentów dowiedziała się cała Polska, a budowa kliniki onkologicznej Przylądek Nadziei była tego pięknym zwieńczeniem. Agnieszka to silna kobieta, która nie tylko wie, jak pomagać dzieciom, Ona to po prostu robi! I razem ze swoim niezwykłym Zespołem pokazuje, jak ambicję i poświęcenie zamieniać w świetny efekt. Nie raz udowodniła, że niemożliwe nie istnieje.

Senator i były prezydent Wrocławia

Przez 10 lat obserwowałem działania Agnieszki Aleksandrowicz, która rozwinęła wrocławską fundację pomagającą dzieciom chorym na raka w jedną w największych organizacji w Polsce. Widziałem również, jak dzięki niej zmienił się Wrocław, w którym powstała najnowocześniejsza klinika onkologiczna dla dzieci. Działania pani Agnieszki pokazały, że idea pomocy chorym dzieciom może połączyć wiele różnych środowisk Wrocławia.